Protect-Hijab Logo


Assembly for the Protection of Hijab

Hijab Unveiled

A day Of Reflection


Hijab Unveiled Speakers Speakers

Anas Altikriti - Muslim Association of Britain
Baroness Sarah Ludford
Basma Elshayyal
Caroline Lucase - MEP
Shami Chakrabati - LIBERTY
Eman Penny - Association of Muslim Psychologists
Ismail Patel - author: 'Islam the choice of thinking women'
Millena Buyum - NAAR
Raghad Altikriti - Muslim Association of Britain
Salma Yaqoob - RESPECT
Sheikh Haitham Haddad - Al-Muntada Al-Islami
Yvonne Ridley - Islam Channel
Shaykh Shabir Ally - Islamic Information Da'awah Centre TBC 



Dawud Wharnsby Ali
Hassen RasoolHijab Unveiled Speakers
Adam Primary School


Kensington Town Hall
The Town Hall Hornton Street, London, W8 7NX
Time: 11:00 - 4:00pm
Ticket: £10.00

Booking Hotline:
Tel: 0116 2127553
Mob: 07861 669 357
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Exhibitions / Stalls / Refreshments

Islamic Relief ( )
Muslim Association of Britain ( )
Right Start Foundation ( )

Media sponsor:
I-MAG Magazine ( )